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Football Field Landscaping: Natural Grass Vs Artificial Turf

Updated: Feb 27, 2024

Setting up a football field requires several important decisions to make – including the dilemma of choosing between installing synthetic turf or real grass. In the past years, athletes have stayed away from artificial turf because it looked and felt fake. But modern manufacturing methods and research have drastically changed how artificial turf looks and feels now, bringing about many tangible benefits when installed on a football field.

Grass and turf are two of the most commonly used types of surface on the field, and it’s not hard to understand why. These two offer unique benefits when it comes to the material used, maintenance, and how it affects the play style of athletes during the game. So, before seeking help from a landscape company in Singapore to set up a field, it’s wise to understand the difference between these two common types.

1. Foot Traffic Resistance

When it comes to foot traffic resistance factors, synthetic turf is at an advantage. Natural grass can withstand heavy feet for a few hundred per year, but after intense plays from multiple games per week, it must be preserved so the grass can rest; otherwise, it will look ragged and damaged where dead patches will begin to emerge. On the other hand, artificial turf can resist heavy foot traffic, and there is no long period needed for the grass to rest. This is due to the simple fact that artificial turf is made from more resistant and durable non-biological materials that can withstand higher levels of stress and wear and tear.

2. Maintenance

No matter the type of turf you prefer, maintenance is a must-do. However, between these two types, the majority would prefer the one that requires minimum effort for the best result – and the clear winner is synthetic turf. All you need to do to remove debris is brush the surface and top of infill levels occasionally. However, natural grass needs more maintenance which requires a higher cost – mowing, watering, fertilising, and getting rid of pests and weeds, which means you need to hire a maintenance crew, purchase equipment and spend money.

A football field is an entirely different story, but if you’re also struggling to decide which type to use for your lawn, you should check out the pros and cons of artificial turfing in your garden.

3. Safety

Have you ever tripped on your lawn and slammed your elbow to the ground? If yes, then you know how painful it can be. However, football players get tackled to the ground repeatedly, and all those impacts add up, which could lead to serious injuries. Unlike natural grass, artificial turf has rubber pellets that add cushioning to a sports field. So when a player hits the ground, the cushioning reduces the impact of the fall. This would prevent more severe injuries and prevent scrapes, cuts and bruises as compared to regular grass.


Over the years, experts have been studying the benefits and risks associated with natural grass and artificial turf playing fields. The list above is just three of the main key points that must be considered for each type. Whichever grass type you prefer, it’s wise to consult with the professionals who understand the tiniest stuff about this issue. If you are looking for a reliable supplier, Star Landscape is here to help. We offer artificial grass installation in Singapore to ensure your field only possesses the highest quality for your star athletes.

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