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Star Landscape

Crabgrass: What It Is & Why You Do Not Want It In Your Lawn

Updated: Feb 27, 2024

Crabgrass: What It Is & Why You Do Not Want It In Your Lawn

Ever noticed bundles of large thin stems springing out from your carefully manicured turf grass lawn? Chances are you might have a crabgrass infestation on your hands. Crabgrass is one of the most common weeds found in lawns all across the globe and can certainly be a great hassle and an eyesore for the lawn owner. Here, we’ll give you a quick rundown of the infamous weed and why you should be calling a landscape company in Singapore as soon as you see them.

How does crabgrass look?

Crabgrasses (Digitaria spp.), as you’d expect, are members of the grass family. Their stems are relatively thin, so they grow close to the ground. When fully grown, they have several long, branched, finger-like stems that extend in all directions, with leaves growing on either side. When viewed from the top, the stems appear to grow out from the centre in a star or crab-shaped pattern, giving it its name.

The colour of their leaves ranges from yellowish-green to lime green, depending on the species, but they are generally coarse in texture. Some varieties also have hairs covering the leaves and leaf sheaths, though they are absent in others. Seedheads can sometimes be seen at the top of stems as spiky protrusions and are arranged in a fan-like shape.

Why is crabgrass troublesome?

If you’re worried about the health of your lawn, rest assured that crabgrass usually doesn’t hurt your other plants. That being said, it has some height on the conventional turfgrasses, making it stick out like a sore thumb. For meticulous lawn owners or anyone who values neatness in their home, crabgrass can easily look like mounds of tangled messes.

What’s more, crabgrass is resistant to traditional lawn upkeep. They are well-adapted to mowing, being capable of re-growing even after being shaved down to ½ inch. Naturally, getting rid of these weeds requires in-depth knowledge of your lawn’s needs. For example, mowing your turfgrass to its highest recommended height can help to control Crabgrass spread since it deprives seedlings of sunlight. Also, proper fertilisation and irrigation for your turfgrass can help them outcompete the weeds. Given the multitude of factors that goes into weed control, garden maintenance services in Singapore are your best bet.

Why should you do weed control early?

You might just see one or two Crabgrass plants peppering your lawn or garden and think nothing of it, but make no mistake; your weed problem can grow out of control in a flash. These plants have a staggering capacity to spread, with one plant being capable of producing about 150,000 seeds.

What’s worse, their germination is triggered by soil temperature. Once the soil hits about 13°C for four to five days in a row, the seeds start to germinate, and you have even more weeds to worry about. This isn’t as big an issue in seasonal countries, where these soil temperatures are usually only observed in the spring or summer. In Singapore, however, our soil is almost always warmer than that, making it prime for crabgrass seeds to grow all year round.


Crabgrass infestations can become a big problem for your lawn, especially in Singapore’s warm tropical climate. If you ever need help with this difficult task, this is why you need to consider hiring a professional grass cutting service provider.

Star Landscape can help you with that. Contact us to find out more today!

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